The UFC is the major fighting promotion in the
One of the top ways for fans of Mixed Martial Arts to congregate and discuss topics is to log on The Underground Forum at mma.tv. A constant theme of the messages of the message board lately seem to be arguments over what is better, UFC or PRIDE. Many people ferverently talk up one and degrade the other. It's almost like you have to make a choice of whether to appreciate one or the other. Where does this mentality come from? Can't I enjoy both and not get involved in these petty disputes. There are differences between the two but ultimate they are both very important parts of the sport I love.
I will admit that personally I enjoy watching the UFC a little more. UFC is what I watched first, so it has the nostalgia factor. Also, I will admit that I probably have slightly more interest in American fighters. And the weekly reality show has brought a familiarity with the brand name that is hard to match. But I also appreciate PRIDE. It has amazing athletes and is able to put on star-studded a Grand Prix in multiple weight classes. I order PRIDE on PPV when it has matchups that intrigue me.
Ultimately, I see no reason to be a fan of one and not the other. Both provide quality entertainment, which is what we all want.
Until next time,
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